"NewBrave World" - what is it? Sarcasm? Grotesque? Does it differ from the "old" one, and do we want to get closer to it? In search of an answer, we realized that what is happening around us can be treated differently - drowning in streams of information that hits from all cracks, endlessly consuming and endlessly rushing about in an attempt to find the truth. Or. Create. Look into the depths of yourself, to the origins, to history, to the root cause, to find support and roots in yourself, in the peace and calm of your inner ocean. It was. There is. Will be. Long journey of consciousness. Not knowing the outcomes , not curbing all the true power of the past, in our hands we have an exceptional NOW, and this is our gift. In an attempt to try on the past and the future, past and not to come, in front of you is a collection in which textures, moods, light, color, primordial Russianness and Russianness, to which we are moving, are intertwined. Synergy in movement, attitude, nature, sand, animals, energies. Everyone can get to something in themselves. Everyone will find their own.

